Category Archives: Uncategorized

Landing very soon…

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Getting ready for fish to land soon

I’ve been assured the CITES permits are now processed and so I am now working on the logistics for the landing of this Spring 2022 Merlion Dreamfish order. Here are a few videos of some of the fish coming:

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Spring/Winter 2022 Merlion Dreamfish and Panda Order

This order is already processed and paid for. The fish should be landing in mid to late February. If you are wanting a premium Asian arowana from two of the world’s premium Asian arowana farms, email or phone/text 604-916-1558 … Continue reading

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Spring 2022 CV Maju Super Red import – postponed to later in the year

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A few of the fish that landed on December 7, 2021

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A few of the fish landing shortly

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Fall 2021 Dreamfish and Panda order

Landing soon, the last order of the year. A few fish are still available. Email or phone/text 604-916-155eight for details. Photos and video of landed order to come soon.

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Premium Super Red Asian Arowana from the CV Maju farm – imported to Vancouver, Canada on July 23, 2021

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CV Maju Premium Super Reds – preparing for export!

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Landing in a few days – Premium Indonesian Super Reds from the CV Maju Farm

Email or text/phone at 604-916-1558; these fish are for sale in Canada only. They are 100% illegal in the USA

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